About Us
Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
Our Approach
Our Values

Who We Are
EnviroTaqa L.L.C. is one of the leading environmental services and advisory solutions providers in the environmental research and development, sustainable environmental services, renewable energy
EnviroTaqa strategy comes from
Our collaborative approach helps us understand and respond to our clients’ needs, and our team of technical experts prides itself on providing pragmatic,
What We Do
We Solve the Environmental issues throughout the different fields and activities through our staff in the Environmental Research and Development.
Our approach and scope of work
EnviroTaqa core services have been developed to work together, Environmental Research and Development, Sustainable Environmental Services, Renewable Energy, Environmental Software Solutions, Waste Management, Environmental Integrated solutions

Our Approach
We Looking After Your Business and Keep Earth Alive
Our vision is to be the environmental company of choice, to assist in solving the future environmental issues upon the strength of our Research & Development in Africa and worldwide.
- We want to be known as a company that
achieve the environmental objectives of its customers andmeet their legislative, corporate responsibility and commercial requirements as well as customer’s sustainability. - We want to be known as a company that looks after and invest in its employees throughout levels.
- Building a great reputation through our sustainable environmental solutions to keep earth resource sustain for current and Next- Generation.
- Building the environmental preserving culture in Africa and the Middle East
Our Values
Environmental And Social Responsibility
EnviroTaqa is environmentally and socially responsible in all the services we provide and in the communities where we work. We believe it is possible to be a thriving, successful business while reducing our impact on the natural environment.
Health And Safety
Nothing is more important than ensuring the health and safety of our employees at all times – alongside that of our customers, suppliers and the general public. Health and safety ensure our business runs smoothly and protects those who work for us or use our services.
Quality & Integrity
We provide outstanding products and unsurpassed services that, together, deliver premium value to our customers. We uphold the heights standards of integrity in all our actions
Teamwork And Performance
We work together, across boundaries to meet the ends of our customers and to help the company win. We value our people
We believe that flexibility leads to excellence and we tailor all our services to the specific needs of each client.
Openness And Honesty
We believe that open communication builds trust, which is the foundation of any relationship whether it’s with our employees or our clients.
Why EnviroTaqa
We believe in building high value, meaningful, long-term relationships with our clients.
We Work Hard and Smart, Together
Harness the combined expertise of a team of specialists and professors in the scientific research and development, for solving our customer’s environmental issues in a professional scientific manner, for reaching to keep our environment alive.
Our wide scope of services and products combined with high standard performance, accuracy, consistency, monitored by a rigorous quality control system are our customers’ guarantee of excellence and reliability.
We at EnviroTaqa can proudly claim utmost respect, honesty, and transparency vis-a-vis our customers and employees. We deliver what we promise.
EnviroTaqa always considers customer profitability as EnviroTaqa Profitability.
Service Quality
By achieving and exceeding our customer expectations.
Operational Excellence
Lower operational risk, Lower Operational Cost, Increasing Revenue, Problems Solving, Team Work, Leadership, creating values for Customers and Shareholders that leads to continuous improvement for our operations.
Dr. Metwalli Elnoubi, Ph.D.
Founder & Chairman
Dr. Metwalli Elnoubi graduated from Ein Shams University- Egypt, with Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry Department, MSc in Environmental Science at IESR- Egypt and the Ph.D in Environment and Sustainable Development. Over 18 years’ experience in the Health, Safety, Environment and the Integrated Management Systems for Oil & Gas industry throughout Middle East.
Dr. Metwalli Elnoubi is a highly experienced leader, he has served as Expert of Sustainability and Climate Change as well as Environmental Advisor, participated and managed a large scale projects with a global corporations such Saudi Aramco, Sinopec, Schlumberger, Arabian Drilling Company.

Abdelhakam Mashhour
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Abdelhakam Mashhour graduated from Alazhar University- Egypt, with Bachelor of Science degree in Biology Department, Over 15 years’ experience in Health, Safety, Environment and the Integrated Management Systems for Oil & Gas industry throughout
Abdelhakam Mashhour is a highly experienced leader, he has served as Regional HSSE Manager of Seenopex in
Participated in
These experiences bring not only a deep understanding of

Management Team

Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Ammar , Ph.D.
Water Resources Management and Policy Consultant
Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Ammar is an experienced international water resources engineer and project manager responsible for a wide range of project management activities, including planning, coordination and monitoring project performance, and project delivery according to quality standards. Dr. Ammar brings diverse and broad knowledge in water resources projects and infrastructure to EnviroTaqa with the established expertise in integrated water resources management, groundwater and surface water hydrology, flood protection and risk assessment, and irrigation systems infrastructure. His work in implementing and delivering large-scale water resources projects is distinguished by the unconventional approaches that emphasize social sustainability, economic and environmental valuation, and climate change consideration.
Dr. Ammar is currently an Assistant Professor of Water Resources Engineering and Management at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Cairo University. He holds a Ph.D. degree in water resources engineering from the University of Alberta in Canada. His research interests include sociohydrology, systems analysis and systems thinking, water resources planning and management, water policy assessments using System Dynamics, simulations and participatory modeling, and the development of decision-support systems.

Professor Dr. Taha M. A. Razek, Ph.D.
Board Advisor for Environmental Studies & Waste Management
Prof. Dr. Taha Razek is a Professor of Environmental Chemistry, Head of Environmental Basic Sciences at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Earned his Ph.D. (1999) as a channel system candidate between the University of Iowa, Chemistry Department (USA) and Ain Shams University.
Prof. Dr. Taha is teaching the following courses: Wastewater Treatment, Water Quality Management, Waste Management, Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Environmental Impact Assessment, and Pollution Monitoring.
Prof. Dr. Taha Supervised and co-supervised more than 100 theses for M.Sc. and Ph.D. research projects. Research projects include the following topics: Innovating some analytical procedures and chemical sensors for pollutants in environmental media, Wastewater characterization and treatment of dyeing, pharmaceutical, electroplating industries, and navigational and recreational activities, removal and recovery of resources from industrial effluents, utilization of wastes and monitoring pollutants in air, water, soil and biota.
More than 35 years’ experience in the EIA & Waste Management for different projects in Egypt and Middle East. Approved Professional consultant for preparing, reviewing EIA studies and hazardous waste handling and treatment.
Carrying out EIA for different projects for the private and the public sector institutions. He conducted training courses as approved Professional Trainer for many of the private and the public sector institutions in the field of Environment, Waste Treatment, Pollution Monitoring, Environmental MS awareness and EIA.
His contribution in these fields and his professional academic background provides a diverse range of knowledge and perspectives provided to the Board in Environmental Studies & Waste Management.

Dr. Tarek Youssef, Ph.D.
Marine and Coastal Management Department Manager
Dr. Youssef is a leading expert in the field of Marine and Coastal Management, earned his Ph.D. in mangroves and wetlands from Southern Cross University (Australia, 1994), and worked as an Associate professor at United Arab Emirate university for more than 20 years. During this period, he was appointed as a director of the Environmental Science Graduate Program (the oldest and the most renowned interdisciplinary program in the country).
Dr. Youssef has over 30 years of first-hand experience in the middle east area, with vast input of consultation studies for tens of developmental projects along Abu Dhabi coast.
Over the past few years he was appointed as a director of environmental monitoring and permitting sector in one of the leading local government bodies in UAE, where he had the chance to participate in developing legislatives directives in all environmental aspects handled by local government including wetlands and mangrove protection, air quality, industrial permitting and compliance, as well as environmental consultants evaluation qualifying and their submitted studies for review.
Tens of publications (peer reviewed or technical and consultation studies) were carried out by Dr. Youssef focusing mainly on advances in mangrove plantation techniques, intertidal mangrove nurseries, mangrove relocation and age restrictions, large scale coastal restoration or rehabilitation, impact of SLR on local mangrove communities, mangrove vegetation responses and forest dynamics in relation to environmental variables including flooding/anoxia, nutrients availability and CO2 uptake.
Dr. Tarek Youssef is currently appointed as Marine and Coastal Management Department Manager at EnviroTaqa LLC. Dr. Tarek is leading the department with a professional team in marine and coastal management services.

Dr. Hoda Helal, Ph.D.
Board Advisor & Circular Economy Department Manager
Dr. Hoda Helal is an Environmental Accounting Lecturer, Department of Environmental, Legal and Economic Sciences at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. As well Dr. Hoda is a Director of the Center for Environmental Consultancy, Institute of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University during the period of 1st of July, 2017 until 30th of June, 2019.
Dr. Hoda, Earned the Ph.D. in Accounting, Faculty of Commerce, Ain Shams University in 2012, Prepared ten researches published in international and national magazines and conferences in the field of financial accounting and environmental costs. Assigned from Ain Shams University to travel to England, University of Glasgow in 2007, to participate in preparing financial reports for the European Union project between Ain Shams University and the University of Glasgow. More than 20 years’ experience in preparing and approving financial budgets, preparing financial regulations, as well as preparing environmental financial reports. Preparation studies in financial reports and financial plans for Ain Shams University, as well as Preparation budget of Ain Shams University. Was assigned and participated in a project with university Glasgow in England 2007 Dr. Hoda has a wide experience in different projects in Egypt and worldwide for Environmental Economics and Environmental Accounting studies, as well as a wide experience in Environmental feasibility studies and scientific research curricula. Dr. Hoda is approved as a Professional consultant by EEAA for preparing, reviewing Environmental Economics and Environmental Accounting studies.
Approved as a professional Lecture & Trainer for Environmental Economics and Environmental Accounting.

Dr. Mohammed El-Liethy, Ph.D.
Research & Development Department Manager
Dr. Mohammed is an Assistant Prof. at National Research Centre (NCR), Egypt. He is Ph.D. holder in the field of Microbiology in 2013. Dr. El-Liethy is an internationally respected leader and member in research works and the practical application of the environmental consultation and water quality assessment since 2004. The major research interest of Dr. El-Liethy is Water and Wastewater Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Biodegradation, Bioaugmentation and Water Quality Assessment. His contribution in these fields and his academic background provides balance to EnviroTaqa Board and brings a different perspective to the Research and Development Department.

Mahmoud Fouad
Board Advisor for HR Capacity Building
Mr. Mahmoud Fouad is a graduate of Ain Shams University, where he studied Law. He furthered his education at Cairo University, where he earned a Diploma in Human Resource Management. He holds a Professional Diploma in Human Resource Management from Cambridge Britain and a Diploma in Human Resource Management from Knowledge Academy.
Mr. Fouad served at EGEC as Human Resources Manager. He was responsible for the Human Resources strategic development and planning of EGEC Human Resources organization, Leading recruitment and retention and expanding its corporate culture as the company ramps up for significant anticipated growth in the Engineering consulting field. He has over Sixteen years’ experience in the Human Resources field, Mr. Fouad brings expertise in diversity, reward and recognition, talent acquisition management, organizational and professional development, helped EGEC to grow and achieve more goals.
Mr. Fouad has taken a leadership role in developing EGEC into a recognized employer of choice. Prior to working at EGEC, Mr. Fouad was working in Multinational Companies & Hotels assuming many key positions such as, EHAF Consulting Engineers, Intercontinental City Stars, Dar Al-Handasah Consulting Engineers, Amer Group, Downtown Mall and HNS Group.
We believe in EnviroTaqa “The Capacity building is essentially the development of human capital – that can occur on different levels individual, institutional and societal level – Contribution of Mr. Fouad in these fields and his professional academic background provides for the company Board a diverse range of skills and knowledge – to achieve sustainable and measurable results.”

Dr. Mahmoud Sayed Alsadiq, Ph.D.
Environmental & Circular Economy Consultant
Dr. Mahmoud Alsadiq is one of the glob experts in the Circular Economy and Environmental Economic & Accounting, as well as Energy Management Professional “PA-CEMP”. Earned his Ph.D. Environmental Management Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 2014.
Dr. Mahmoud has a wide experience in different projects in Egypt and worldwide, more than 22 years’ experience in preparing and approving Circular Economy, Sustainable Development Applications, Climate Mitigation and GHG accounting, Economic & Environmental Analysis of CSP and PV technologies using available fuels and valuable synergies, as well as Resource optimization and Eco-Efficiency in addition to his wide experience in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment,
Dr. Mahmoud is approved as a Professional consultant by EEAA for preparing, reviewing Environmental Economics and Environmental Accounting studies, as well as The African Circular Economy Network –ACEN, Certified Energy Management Professional PA-CEMP, CSR Certificate – AUC and USAID SEED and Representative of Egypt and Chapter Member.
His contribution in these fields provides balance to EnviroTaqa Board and brings a different perspective to the Environmental & Circular Economy as well as sustainable development & Climate Change.

Dr. Ayman I Abdelwahab, Ph.D.
Department Manager and Consultant of EMS & Environmental Compliance
Dr. Ayman Abdelwahab is one of the glob experts in the Environmental Engineering & Consultancy. Earned his Ph.D. in the Environmental Engineering, (1999), Kennedy-Western University in collaboration with Stevens Institute of Technology, USA. Dr. Ayman is a Member of the United Nations Roster of experts in the field of Environmental Engineering.
Dr. Ayman has More than 35 years’ of experience in the Environmental Management, Risk Assessment, Compliance Plans and EIA. Project and construction management, sustainable development and civil engineering. Has Extensive experience with international organizations, NGOs and national entities including; UN, UNDP, EU and World Bank. Geographical exposure includes USA, Africa and Middle East. Strong ability to lead and motivate diverse teams to reach targets and meet tight schedules using limited resources.
His contribution in these fields provides balance to EnviroTaqa Board and brings a different perspective to the EMS & Environmental Compliance Department as well as sustainable development.

Aya Farid Youssef
Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader
Aya Youssef holds a master’s degree in Sustainable Development from the American University in Cairo. She worked as a part-time chemistry teaching assistant in faculty of Engineering in Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transportation beside her work as an environmental officer in Egyptian Projects Operation & Maintenance (EPROM).
She contributed to many community projects targeting sustainable development. Alongside academics, Aya joined renewable energy summer school in 2013, MENA academy in climate diplomacy in 2019 in Germany and successfully completed and internship in Qatar Green Leaders in March 2020.
More than 10 years of experience in the Environmental Management, sustainable development, experience with international organizations in climate change and sustainable development consultations and training.
Aya was selected for the position of 350.org Egypt National coordinator between 2014 and 2015. She founded “Lampaeg” that rises environmental awareness through sustainable education. For the last 6 months, Aya has worked as an environmental &sustainability officer in plastic recycling industry in Qatar.
Company Governance
EnviroTaqa is committed to the principles of integrity, honesty and ethical business practices as well as adhering to the highest standards of company governance and regulations.
As we believes that a good corporate governance policy is key not only to attaining a leading role in the industry but also to fostering and maintaining fruitful and progressive corporate relationships with customers, business partners, contractors, government and host communities as well as the trust and confidence of its stakeholders.
EnviroTaqa Board
Polices & Certificates
Carbon Sustainability Policy
Environment Protection Policy
OHS Policy
Quality Policy
Get In Touch
Email: [email protected]
Mob. +20 1028844080
Tel +202 26300293 Ext. 4062
Fax: +202 26300010 / +202 2630002
Address: Office No. 212, 2nd Floor, Building No.7, The Science & Innovation Park at The British University in Egypt (BUE), Block No.36, Fifth District, El Sherouk City, Cairo, Egypt 11837
Company Registration # 128638

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